
How To Add G Suite Group Email To Outlook

Creating an email group in Outlook is incredibly useful if you find yourself emailing the same grouping of people.

Y'all won't have to manually add member email addresses each time you blazon out grouping emails anymore.

But how do you go well-nigh making i?

In this article, I'll go over what an Outlook group is and how to create an email distribution group from your Microsoft Outlook contacts. I'll as well testify y'all how to edit these groups and send emails to them.

This Article Contains:

(Click on the links beneath to jump to a section of your choice)

  • How to Create Grouping in Outlook
    • For Windows Platforms
    • For Mac Platforms
    • For the Outlook Web App
  • How to Send an Electronic mail to a Contact Group in Outlook
  • How to Edit a Contact Listing in Outlook
  • Outlook Basics

Let's get started!

How to Create an Email Group in Microsoft Outlook

The procedure of setting up an Outlook contact list varies slightly depending on whether you use Windows, Mac, or the Outlook Web App (OWA).

Let's take a look at how to set upwards a distribution group on each platform:

A. For Windows Platforms

Hither's how you can easily create a distribution list in Outlook on Windows:

Step 1

To create a new group, first open Outlook. Then, go to the navigation pane and click on the People icon (the minor icon to the bottom left of your screen).

People icon

Alternatively, yous can also select New Items > More than Items > Contact Group from the Habitation tab.

Step 2

Nether My Contacts, select the folder in which you lot want to save the contact grouping. Most people tend to save the new contact grouping in the contacts folder.


Note : For this commodity, I obtained several sample contacts from this website .

Pace 3

Select New Contact Group from the Dwelling house tab in the top ribbon.

Create new item

Step 4

Fix a group name for your contact group in the name field.

Select New Group

Step v

Click add members and cull to add member emails "From Address Volume," "From Outlook Contacts," or "brand a new contact."

Hither's what each of these ways:

  • From Accost Book – This usually contains the e-mail IDs of people in your organisation.
  • Outlook Contact List – This contains primarily a set of external contacts that you've stored in a Microsoft Outlook contacts binder.
  • Make a New Contact – This enables you to create a new contact to add to the list.

If the list of contact emails only contains a group of people from your visitor, y'all tin also add together multiple people through your firm's global address list. (A global address list is an electronic accost book that contains the contact information of everyone in an organization.)

Global address list

Annotation : If you lot need to add fellow member emails once more to your list of business or personal contacts , just select the list and click Add together members to echo the process.

Step 6

In one case you lot select members and finish setting your contact group, click Salve & Shut, and the Members box will disappear.

Once y'all click Save, you can test your group by sending a new email to your group contact list.

Save and close

Note: If you want to add an Outlook distribution list to a contacts folder on Outlook, yous tin can do and so using the binder pane.

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Now that I've covered how to create a list of contact emails for Outlook on Windows let's look at the distribution list process for Mac systems.

B. For Mac Platforms

Follow these steps to create group in Outlook for Mac devices:

Step 1

Open Outlook, go to the navigation bar and click on People.

Click on people

Epitome source:

Stride two

Then, select Home > New Contact List from the navigation bar to create a new group.

New contact list

Step 3

When the contact grouping window pops upwardly, fix a group name for your list of contact emails.

New group name

Pace 4

Select Add only below the navigation bar and select members using their email address to add together a contact to the contact list.

Click on add

Yous tin can keep adding multiple people to your new group through the members' box.

Add multiple people

You can even add an existing listing of contact emails to your new listing.

Add existing list

Step v

When you select members and terminate your contact list, click on Save & Close, and the members box will disappear. Subsequently you click relieve, you tin test your contact grouping past sending a new email to your list of contact emails.

Save n close

Dorsum to contents

At present that I've covered how you can create an email group on Outlook for Mac, let's look at setting up an email group on the Outlook Web App (OWA).

C. For the Outlook Spider web App

Here'due south how y'all can ready up an email group on the Outlook Web App:

Step 1

Go to the Outlook web app (OWA) and click on the Contacts icon on the left side.

Contacts icon

Footstep 2

Click on the small-scale arrow next to the blue New contact push button and select New group from the drib-down bill of fare.

New group

Footstep iii

When the dialog box opens, type in the name of the contact group that you lot want to create. You tin can type in the group content in the clarification field, then click on Create.


Step 4

Type in the e-mail addresses or names of the contacts you desire to add to the e-mail group. Once you've selected contacts to add to the grouping, click on Add, and you're washed!

Click add

If you're the grouping owner, you can hands observe the groups you lot've created. Just click on the 3 lines on the people page and then go to Groups > Owner.


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I've covered how you can create an e-mail group on Windows, Mac and the OWA.
But if you're the group owner, how do y'all send emails to your Outlook distribution listing?

How to Send an Electronic mail to a Contact Group in Outlook

Here's how to send emails to an email group with multiple people you lot've created on Outlook:

On Outlook, open a new electronic mail bulletin and type in the torso and subject. In the To field, instead of typing in mail addresses, start typing the grouping ID.

When the prompt appears, click on it and hit Send – your email will be on its style to members' inboxes.


That'south all y'all need to practice to send group emails to a contact group on Outlook.

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Now that we've seen how you can send group emails to your Outlook distribution listing, let's run into how a group owner can edit the contact listing.

How to Edit a Contact List in Outlook

What if you want to add together a new electronic mail contact or alter the group ID of an existing grouping ?
It's uncomplicated!

Just open up Outlook and type a new message. Then, type in the group ID in the 'To' field. Then, right-click on the list and select 'Edit Contact.'

Edit contact

The contact group tab will then open, and yous can add new members or remove members from the existing group easily!

Add new members

Annotation : This process remains largely unchanged irrespective of the platform you employ with Outlook.

Dorsum to contents

Now that I've covered all you need to know about Outlook email groups, allow's accept a look at the types of groups on Outlook.

Outlook Basics

In that location are two types of email contact groups in Microsoft Outlook:

A. Microsoft Office 365 group

This type of grouping is centered around one "group email address."

An Office 365 group allows team members to access emails sent to one address from a shared mailbox. For instance, a project team that shares a group email address is a Microsoft Office 365 group.

Anyone who sends an email to the team can send it to the shared mailbox of the Office 365 group. This way, they don't have to send separate emails to each group fellow member.

Since the whole group has access to a shared mailbox and group calendar, analogous emails and group conversations is much easier!

B. Outlook contact group

This is the kind of group that we covered in this article.

A contact grouping (too known every bit a distribution list) is a drove of email addresses you can e-mail together.

Members of a new contact group don't share the same e-mail address — and don't even take to be part of the aforementioned organization. They can be pretty much anyone you want to send emails to equally a group!

Afterwards setting up the group, yous can ship emails, calendar invitations, and reminders to all your grouping members with simply 1 click. When you lot transport an email to the group, it volition get delivered to each recipient.

Notation: Outlook email groups are not the aforementioned every bit a calendar group that lets you lot create shared calendars.

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Wrapping Up

It'due south really easy to fix a contact group on email clients like Microsoft Outlook and Gmail, regardless of what platform you utilize.

You can follow the steps I've mentioned in this commodity to create groups with multiple people on Windows and Mac versions of Microsoft Outlook as well as the OWA.

How To Add G Suite Group Email To Outlook,


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